
How to setup Fauxpilot

In this article, you would learn to configure Fauxpilot, which can help you to program. What is Fauxpilot? It is a LLM(large language model)-based code generation AI, an open-source alternative for the famous Copilot. However, Copilot belongs to OpenAI and it is not free for everyone, and it could be risky to expose the private code to copilot...

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Travel to Japan

渡日细则 出国物品清单 【透明文件袋】出关需要频繁出示大量文件、凭证,买一个随手携带,方便百倍。 【食物】泡面/士力架/军粮压缩饼干,等等。动物性食品不建议携带,过海关看运气,有可能被查出来。水不能过海关,但可以带个空杯子,机场里也有水。 【衣服】东京5月较冷,仍需穿外套+牛仔裤。机场有可能很冷,最好备一件外套。之后上飞机有毛毯,或者找空姐要。 【日元】建议最低带30-50万日元,上限是100万。需要提前一周去银行预约,建议用中国银行兑日元,金库充足的话,一般都能预约到。 【流量卡】抵日后,虽然机场有Wi-Fi,但可能会人多拥堵,建议淘宝网购一张,15天就够了。如从蛇口走,抵港前可以开通国际漫游。 【口罩】N95/KN95和普通的都买一些。另外可以考虑购置...

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How to use Zotero with Nextcloud

In this article, you would learn to build a local library to manage your references. What is Zotero? Zotero is a free, open-source, web-based reference manager. It provides a way to manage your references, including bibliographies, and to export them to a variety of formats. Zotero is available for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS etc. However, it has...

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Estimate Your Presentation

This is a simple Python snippet to calculate your voice time based on TTS techinique. Prerequisites: pip install gTTS mutagen Procedure Firstly, load necessary packages from gtts import gTTS from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 Input a piece of words: content = ''' Drag and drop your files, or type, paste, and edit text here. Natural Reader is a pro...

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