Some tricks to book tickets on JLPT website
Since these tricks might be forbidden by official website, I just give a summary here and would complete it in the future.
Login in you JLPT account in the browser.
Try “Inspect” by right click the grayed button “Book” and you will find the HTML and Javascript code.
Run this code in the console.
Of course, you cannot book tickets befor...
Anki - your powerful memory tool
Anki is a free software on vairous platforms including PC, Mac, Android, Linux, except IOS, where it takes 163 CNY in mainland China’s AppStore! Nevertheless, there are some tricks to get Anki in a relatively nice price. Please search in Taobao
Install via i4Tools
Please download ipa file at first, then install it in i4Tools (爱思助手).
One more ...
How to login in WLT in shell
Here is the simple script to login WLT which allows you to access network in USTC campus. Please append on name= and pass= with your own account name and password.
It works well on Linux system. For more, try to modify it by yourself.
function print_status {
! text=`cur...
How to setup v2ray - a powerful technique against IP banning
It is really an useful skill for people who live in mainland China to setup a VPN(Virtual Private Network). Considering the frequently banning of VPS(Virtual Private Server) on some protocols like Shadowsocks, I prefer to use the V2Ray for at least following three advantages:
Security: v2ray is a much more secure protocol than others.
13 post articles, 2 pages.